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Friday, 1 November 2013

Reading book

السلام عليكم 

My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free. I started to do it when I was five years old. The first time I did it, I felt very interested. So I kept reading..... and reading. The kind of books i prefer to read is novel. Yeah, of course my favourite novel is Love story. Love story always ending with happy story, yeah i know sometimes it's a bit boring because the conflict is always same. But it's okay for me. I was happy when I read a story with a happy ending but I was thrilled when I read a detective story. My mum always push me to read english book, so that i can improve my english. There are a lot of advantange of reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I read books by myself. I usually read it at somewhere that comfortable for me to read. I wish I could read different kinds of books as a challenger for myself.

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