بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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Friday 1 November 2013

Online game

السلام عليكم 

Well, playing game is a natural part of growing up! It's one of my favourite thing to do. When i was fourteen, i'm so addicted with online game, which is HighStreet5. It is an online dance game where thousands of players can miggle with each other in a world of friends, fashion and dance. I found this game since my school holiday started and i can't stop playing! And it's almost school holiday again I would come home from hostel and right away stay for maybe 5 or 6 hours to play. Instead of playing, I'm also got a new friends and most of them come from northland. Yup, we're still keep in touch until now. However, a year later I stopped playing the game and need to struggle with my exam, PMR. Since that, no more HighStreet5 :(

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